Six months ago, Lakeland Dairies launched its Sustainability / ESG Strategy - Pathway to a Better Future.
In that time, we have made significant progress on realising this ambitious strategy.
Over the last six months, everyone in the business has been working hard to deliver on this ambitious strategy.

The six pillars of strategy are Climate Action, Sustainable Farms, Supply Chain, People and Communities, Sustainable Operations and Responsible Business.
We continue to make significant progress in each of these areas and I thank everyone for their collective buy-in.
As part of the strategy:
- We have made a clear commitment to setting science-based targets on Greenhouse Gas Emissions with the Science-based Target Initiative (SBTi).
- We are carbon foot printing our entire business.
- We have launched the Sustainability Incentive Payment to our farm family suppliers.
- We have developed a Diversity and Inclusion Policy for the business.
- We are currently finalising our Responsible Sourcing Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct.
- In this video, Niall McLoughlin and I outline the progress that has been made since Lakeland Dairies launched Pathway to a Better Future.