In the heart of Co. Monaghan, nestled amidst lush green pastures and rolling hills, a journey began in 1901. Champion was born from a deep-rooted commitment to quality, tradition, and the simple joys that come from pure, wholesome dairy. As the years rolled on, Champion not only became a household name but also an unwavering symbol of trust and excellence in the liquid milk, cream, and butter markets across the midlands, border, and north east regions.
From its humble beginnings, Champion has always held a singular focus: to provide communities with the highest quality dairy products, crafted with care and infused with local flavor. We take pride in our traditional methods, combined with modern practices, delivering not just products but a promise — a commitment to quality that has stood the test of time.
But our journey doesn't stop at Champion-branded products. We also extend our quality assurance to a wide range of retail and own-brand offerings, reinforcing our position as a versatile leader in dairy.
In every bottle of milk, every tub of cream, and every pat of butter, there is a story of care, craftsmanship, and community. Champion is more than just a brand; it’s a cherished part of Ireland’s rich dairy heritage, and with every product, we invite you to taste the love and legacy that has defined us for over a century.
Our Champion Salted Butter was awarded a silver Blas na hÉireann award at the 2023 award ceremony.